Fertility Friendly Food

PCOS & the Gut Microbiome with Candice Crellin APD | PCOS Mini-Series | Episode 112

The Dietologist @the_dietologist Season 4 Episode 112

Continuing our PCOS mini-series with its third instalment, we're once again joined by our senior Team Dietitian, Candice Crellin APD, to share practical insights into enhancing our gut health and how we can actively influence PCOS

Over the last five years, research has established a link between PCOS and shifts in gut microbiome composition.

These changes are distinct to PCOS and extend far beyond weight! Tune in to learn more about the latest research and the strategies you can start to implement when it comes to supporting your gut health with PCOS

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Disclaimer: The information presented in this podcast is not to be replaced by personalised medical or dietetic advice, please speak to your health care professional before making any diet or lifestyle changes. The Dietologist and its guests do not accept any liability for any harm or damages that occur from following any of the suggestions in these podcast episodes.

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