Fertility Friendly Food

Does Stress REALLY Impact Your Fertility? With Robyn Birkin | Episode 99

The Dietologist @the_dietologist Season 4 Episode 99

If you have heard the comment "just relax" when trying to co nceive you probably rolled your eyes AND THEN maybe wondered what impact your stress really has on your fertility.

Similarly, you may have wanted to know if mindfulness, meditation, and other self-care tools may actually improve your fertility outcomes.

In today's episode, we are excited to be joined by Robyn Birkin. Robyn is a Certified Life Coach, Mind Body Practitioner and leading authority on emotional wellbeing for women navigating infertility, loss and trying to conceive. Robyn is the host of an award-winning podcast, The Fertility Warriors and a popular online program, The Reset.

Robyn’s speciality is helping fertility warriors reclaim their energy, purpose and joy through trying to conceive, even if their journey is years in the making. Her programs, podcast and social community focus on helping women find become their own mental health heroes through mindfulness and brain-based strategies which in turn leads to better decision-making, problem-solving, life satisfaction and ultimately a radically different experience of trying to conceive.   

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Disclaimer: The information presented in this podcast is not to be replaced by personalised medical or dietetic advice, please speak to your health care professional before making any diet or lifestyle changes. The Dietologist and its guests do not accept any liability for any harm or damages that occur from following any of the suggestions in these podcast episodes.

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