Fertility Friendly Food

A Man's Perspective on Infertility with Jon Summers @infertilityman | Episode 97

The Dietologist @the_dietologist Season 4 Episode 97

It is true that male fertility is not always discussed as openly or frequently as female fertility. However, male fertility is just as common and just as much a part of the conversation. So in today's episode, we get a man's perspective who's lived through and living through infertility.

We are honoured to have Jon Summers from Infertility Man and author of The Man’s Guide to Infertility. After having testicular cancer, Jon believed he could never have biological children. With his wife Laura, they embarked on a fertility journey that has included 22 IVF egg retrieval cycles (so far), 2 sperm retrieval surgeries, and thousands of injections. Using love and humour, Jon and Laura got through their infertility experience together.⁠ 

Jon discusses his and Laura's journey with struggling to conceive and finding balance in their health, emotions, finances, and relationships in this heartfelt episode.

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